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发布时间:2005-08-06 12:00:10

Years ago,when I started looking for my first job, wise advisers
urged, "Barb
ara, be enthusiastic! Enthusiasm will take you further than any
amount of experience."
How right they were. Enthusiastic people can turn a boring drive
into an adventure, extra work into opportunity and strangers into
"Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm,"wrote Ralph
Waldo Emerson. It is the paste that helps you hang in there when the
going gets tough. It is the inner voice that whisper, "I can do it!
"when others shout, "No, you can't!"
It took years and years for the early work of Barbara McClintock, a
 who won the 1983 Nobel Prize in medicine, to be  generally
accepted. Yet she didn't let up on her experiments. Work was such a
deep pleasure for her that she n
ever thought of stopping.
It is this childlike wonder that gives enthusiastic people such a
youthful air, whatever their age. At 90, cellist Pablo Casals would
start his by playing Bach. As the music flowed through his fingers,
his stooped shoulders would straighten and joy would reappear in his
eyes. Music, for Casals, was an elixir that made life a neverending
adventure. As author and poet Samuel Ullman once wrote, "Years
wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul."
1.What does the passage mainly discuss?
___ ___ ___ ___ ___
___ ___ ___ ___ ___
2.Why enthusiasm can take someone further than other experience?
___ ___ ___ ___ ___
___ ___ ___ ___ ___
3.What does"let up"(Para 4) mean?
___ ___ ___ ___ ___
___ ___ ___ ___ ___
4.Why does the author mention Pablo Casals?
___ ___ ___ ___ ___
___ ___ ___ ___ ___
5.How do you understand"Years wrinkle the skin, but to give up
enthusiasm wrinkles the soul."?
___ ___ ___ ___ ___
___ ___ ___ ___ ___
1.  【参考答案】 Enthusiasm.
 【解题技巧】  找关键词。
 【详细解答】 
2.  【参考答案】 Because enthusiasm can turn boring drive into adventure,
 extra work into opportunity, strangers into friends.
 【解题技巧】  利用原文准确概括。
 【详细解答】  文章第一段讲述be enthusiastic的重要,紧接着第二段How right they
3.  【参考答案】 Stop.
 【解题技巧】  充分利用上下文及句法关系。
 【详细解答】  文章第四段最后一句显然与上句是并列关系,是对上句语义的进一步说明。从she never thought of
stopping,可推测never stopping也是她对于experiment的态度。
4.  【参考答案】 To prove that childlike wonder gives enthusiastic people
 youthful air.
 【解题技巧】  利用句子间句法关系。
 【详细解答】  文章第五段第一句话显然是该段的topic sentence(中心句)。其余为supporting
details,为证明第一句而展开。可见以Pablo Casals为例只为中心句服务,从而得出答案。
5.  【参考答案】 We become  mentally old without enthusiasm.
 【解题技巧】  结合上下文来理解本句含义。
 【详细解答】  首先要有这样一个大环境,即文章在表达enth
usiasm的重要性。此句中wrinkle(皱纹)用作动词可理解为get older。the skin, the
It must have been around nine o'clock ___1___ I drove back home
from work because it was already dark. As I ___2___ the gates, I
switched off the lights of the car to prevent the beam ___3___ 
swinging in through the window and waking Jack, who shared the house
with me. But I ___4___. I noticed that his light was still on, so
he was awake anyway-unless he'd ___5___ asleep while reading. I
put the car away and went up the steps. Then I opened the door
quietly and went to Jack's room. He was in bed awake but he didn't
___6___  turn towards me.
"What's up, Jack?" I said.
"For God's ___7___  don't make a noise," he said.
The way he spoke reminded me ___8___ someone in pain who is
to talk in case he ___9___  himself a serious injury.
"Take your shoes ___10___ , Neville," Jack said.
I thought that he ___11___  be ill and that I had better
humour(迁就) him to keep him happy. "There's a snake here," he
explained. "It's asleep between the sheets. I was ___12___  on my
back reading when I saw it. I know that moving was out of
___13___. I couldn't have moved even if I'd wanted to." I realised
that he was ___14___ . "I was
 relying ___15___  you to call a doctor as soon as you came home,"
Jack went on. "It hasn't bitten me yet but I ___16___  do anything
to upset it. It ___17___ wake up. I'm sick ___18___ this," he
said. "I ___19___ that you'd be at home an hour ago."
There was no time to argue or apologize ___20___  late. I looked
at him as encouragingly as I could and went out to telephone the
1.  A) when      B) while     C) after     D) until
2.   A) approached   B) approved
     C) appreciated  D) applauded
3.   A) to    B) from  C) for  D) of
4.   A) needn't bother   B) didn't need to bother
    C) needn't have bothered        D) mustn't have bothered
5.   A) become  B) fallen   C) gone   D) grown
6.   A) even  B) just  C) only   D) rather
7.   A) behalf   B) love  C) reason  D) sake
8.   A) from  B) to  C) of  D) with
9.   A) would to  B) does
 C) would make  D) makes
10.  A) off  B) out  C) away  D) back
11.  A) may  B) must  C) need  D) was able to
12.  A) lied  B) laid  C) laying  D) lying
13.  A) the bargain  B) the question
 C) the chance  D) the risk
14.  A) in fact  B) in serious
 C) in earnest  D) in truth
15.  A)on  B) to  C) in  D) for
16.       A) didn't dare B) daren't A) dare  D) don't dare
17.  A) might  B) can C) should D) shall
18.  A) with  B) from  C) of  D) for
19.  A)made it certain  B)have been assured
 C) counted on  D) took it for granted
20.  A) for being  B) to be
 C) on being  D) to have been
1.  答案 A。
 【难句译文】  当我驾车从单位回家时,大概已经9点钟,因
 【命题宗旨】  连接词理解。
 【详细解答】  when和while虽都表示当……时候,但while后
一般连接进行时态。例:I was cooking while you are idling
2.  答案 A。
 【难句译文】  当我快到大门时,我关掉了车灯,防止光线照进房间,弄醒与我同住一室的杰克。
 【命题宗旨】  形容词意义理解。
 【详细解答】 

3.  答案 B。
 【命题宗旨】  固定搭配。
 【详细解答】  prevent…from:阻止某人干某事。The rain prevented me from going
4.  答案 C。
 【难句译文】  但是我没有必要打扰他。
 【命题宗旨】  动词时态。
 【详细解答】  A的时态不对,D的意思不符。B和C都表示不必要担心(吵醒他),但didn't need to do
表示动作没有必要,实际上也并未发生;而needn't have done刚表示动作没有必要但已经发生了,根据上文意思,C对。
5.  答案 B。
 【难句译文】  我发现他的灯是亮着的,所以不管怎么说,他是醒着的,除非他看书看着看着睡着了。
 【命题宗旨】  词汇搭配。
 【详细解答】  根据词汇搭配,B对。fall(fell, fallen) asleep睡着。
6.  答案 A。
 【难句译文】  他躺在床上,醒着,但是他居然没有转过来看我一眼。
 【命题宗旨】  副词用法。
 【详细解答】  空格前为动词的否定形式,故A对。even用来加强语气,可用在否定句中表示连最小的可能性都没有。just, only,
7.  答案 D。
 【难句译文】  求求你别弄出声响。
 【命题宗旨】  词汇搭配。
 【详细解答】  根据词汇搭配,D对。for God's sake看在上帝面上,千万。behalf代表,为了,通常用在on/in
behalf of结构中,如:on behalf of my colleagues and myself谨代表我的同事和我自己。
8.  答案 C。
 【难句译文】  处于痛苦中的人害怕说话,好象说话会伤着他什么的,杰克说话的方式使我想起了这个。
 【命题宗旨】  词汇搭配。
 【详细解答】  根据词汇搭配,C对。remind sb. of
sth.使某人想起某事。这种结构有两种含义:其一,用来谈论过去之事,例:This reminds me of what we did
together during our holidays.这使我想起我们在假日里一同做的事;其二,用来说明两事物相似,例:
He reminds me of his brother.他使我想起了他的哥哥(弟弟)。remind一词用于提醒某人
干某事时,可用于remind+object+infinitive,例:Please remind me to post the
letter.也可用于remind+人+that从句,例:I reminded her that we hadn't got any
petrol left.我提醒她说我们没有汽油了。
9.  答案 B。
 【命题宗旨】  虚拟语句。
 【详细解答】  由in
sb. an injury伤害某人。
10.  答案 A。
 【难句译文】  "拖掉你的鞋,内维尔 "杰克说。
 【命题宗旨】  词汇搭配。
 【详细解答】  根据词汇搭配,A对。take off脱掉,put on穿上,它们为一组反义词。take sth.
out除去,拔去,例:How can I take these ink stains from my
blouse?我怎样才能把我罩衫上的墨水除去呢?或"获得,领到",take out an insurance
policy领到保险单。take sth. away减少,除去,例:That foolish indiscretion took
away from his public image.那次愚蠢的轻率行为损坏了他的形象。take sth. back收回,带回
11.  答案 B。
 【难句译文】  我想他可能生病了,就着他点,让他高兴吧。
 【命题宗旨】  情态动词。
 【详细解答】 
12.  答案 D。
 【难句译文】  当我躺着看书时,突然,我发现了它。
 【命题宗旨】  词义理解。
 【详细解答】  注意区别lie(躺)与lay(放下)的过去式,过去分词,现在分词,lie,lay,
lain, lying; lay,laid, laid,laying,此处要用lie的现在分词lying,故D对。
13.  答案 B。
 【难句译文】  我知道,我是不可能动一下子的。
 【命题宗旨】  句意理解。
 【详细解答】  句中moving是主语,out of…作表语,根据含义选B。out of the question不可能,办不到。
14.  答案 C。
 【难句译文】  我知道他是认真的。
 【命题宗旨】  语法分析。
 【详细解答】  根据语法结构,空格部分应作表语。而A和D都不能作表语;B语法错,形容词前不可加介词。故只有C才能。in
15.  答案 A。
【难句译文】  杰克接着说:"我指望你回来后去叫医生。它没有咬我,但是我不敢惊动它。"
 【命题宗旨】  词汇搭配。
 【详细解答】  根据词汇搭配A对。rely on sb. to do sth.
指望某人做某事。Don't rely on others to help you.不要指望别人帮你。
16.  答案 B。
 【命题宗旨】  情态动词。
 【详细解答】  从句中but可推知此处动词应为否定式,故排除选项C;dare可作情态动词或实义动词,作实义动词时,否定式为don't
dare to do sth.。
17.  答案 A。
 【难句译文】  他可能会醒。
 【命题宗旨】  情态动词;词义理解。
 【详细解答】  根据词义,应用might(可能会),故A对。
18.  答案 C。
 【难句译文】  我很讨厌它。
 【命题宗旨】  词汇搭配。
 【详细解答】  根据词汇搭配,C对。be sick of厌烦,讨厌。I'm sick of talking about
 that rubbish.我不想对那些无聊之事发表言论。
19.  答案 D。
 【难句译文】  我认为你在一个小时前就应该回家了。
 【命题宗旨】  固定句型。
 【详细解答】  take something/someone for
granted是固定句型,有两种意义:其一是"想当然,认为……是理所当然的";其二是"不关心,忽视",例:He's so busy
with his work that he takes his family for
on指望,依赖,后面只接名词,不接从句。例:We count on your help.或We count on you to
help.我们依赖你的帮助。made it certain来自make certain,但make
certain是"弄清楚,弄明白"之意,而且中间不加it,例:Make certain you know what time the
train goes.弄清楚火车什么时候开。assure使……确信,一般用在assure sb.+that
20.  答案 A。
 【难句译文】  来不及争辩或为我的迟归而道歉。
 【命题宗旨】  词汇搭配。
 【详细解答】  根据词汇搭配,A对。apologise for doing
sth.因为做某事而道歉,为固定结构,后面不能连接介词on或动词不定式。类似的词组还有sorry for, forgive…for。
